Below is the documentation for the userspace API for the OpenGlow fork of the Glowforge kernel module.
I’m posting this here for comment/question/discussion purposes.
The officially maintained version can be found here.
OpenGlow Glowforge Kernel Module User API Documentation
© Copyright 2020 Scott Wiederhold
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This documentation is provided as is without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk.
This module provides an interface to the Glowforge brand CNC laser hardware, supporting the current production Basic, Plus, and Pro models (as of March 2020).
NOTE: This is an OpenGlow Fork of
There are differences between the OpenGlow implementation and the Glowforge original.
This documentation only applies to the OpenGlow fork.
SYSFS / Device Structure
/sys/glowforge/cnc <- Motion control, machine state
|---disable: (WO) Stop all motion and turn off stepper motors and laser
|---enable: (WO) Power on steppers and make ready for run
|---faults: (RO) Status of stepper axis faults
|---ignored_faults: (RW) Stepper axis faults to ignore
|---laser_latch: (WO) Enable laser
|---motor_lock: (RW) Disable step output per motor
|---position: (RO) Current axis positions and loaded program size/progress
|---resume: (WO) Resume paused program
|---run: (WO) Run loaded program
|---sdma_context: (RO) Value of SDMA registers
|---state: (RO) Current operating state
|---step_freq: (RW) Step frequency
|---stop: (WO) Stop/Pause currently running program
|---x_decay: (RW) Enable/Disable X-Axis decay
|---x_mode: (RW) X-Axis Micro-stepping mode
|---y_decay: (RW) Enable/Disable Y-Axis decay
|---y_mode: (RW) Y-Axis Micro-stepping mode
|---z_step: (WO) Single step Z-Axis
/sys/glowforge/head <- Laser head hardware
|---accel_irq: (RO) Head accelerometer IRQ tripped flag
|---air_assist_pwm: (RW) Air Assist fan PWM output setting
|---air_assist_tach: (RO) Air Assist fan tachometer reading
|---beam_detect_analog: (RO) Current state of beam detector - analog
|---beam_detect_digital: (RO) Current state of beam detector - digital
|---hall_sensor: (RO) Status of lens hall sensor
|---measure_laser: (RW) Output PWM of material height measuring laser
|---purge_air: (RW) Purge Air fan on/off
|---purge_air_current: (RO) Purge Air fan current
|---uv_led: (RW) Output PWM of UV LED
|---white_led: (RW) Output PWM of White LED
|---z_current: (RW) High/Low Z-Axis current
|---z_enable: (RW) Z-Axis driver enable
|---z_mode: (RW) Z-Axis Micro-stepping mode
/sys/glowforge/pic <- PIC analog/digital I/O
|---button_led_1: (RW) Output PWM of Button Red LED
|---button_led_2: (RW) Output PWM of Button Green LED
|---button_led_3: (RW) Output PWM of Button Blue LED
|---grp_all: (RO) All register values in binary format
|---grp_button_leds: (RW) All button LEDs, in binary format
|---grp_hv: (RO) All HV sensors, in binary format
|---grp_outputs: (RW) All outputs, in binary format
|---grp_sensors: (RO) All inputs, in binary format
|---hex: (RW) Read/Write registers in ASCII Hex
|---hv_current: (RO) HV current measurement
|---hv_voltage: (RO) HV voltage measurement
|---id: (RO) PIC Firmware ID
|---lid_ir_1: (RO) Lid IR sensor 1 measurement
|---lid_ir_2: (RO) Lid IR sensor 2 measurement
|---lid_ir_3: (RO) Lid IR sensor 3 measurement
|---lid_ir_4: (RO) Lid IR sensor 4 measurement
|---lid_led: (RW) Output PWM of Lid LEDs
|---pwr_temp: (RO) Power supply temperature
|---raw: (RW) Read/Write binary data to/from registers
|---tec_temp: (RO) Thermo-Electric Cooler temperature
|---water_temp_1: (RO) Coolant temperature, downstream
|---water_temp_2: (RO) Coolant temperature, upstream
|---x_step_current: (RW) X-Axis stepper driver current
|---y_step_current: (RW) Y-Axis stepper driver current
/sys/glowforge/thermal <- Cooling hardware
|---exhaust_pwm: (RW) Exhaust fan PWM output setting
|---heater_pwm: (RW) Coolant heater PWM output setting
|---intake_pwm: (RW) Intake fan PWM output setting
|---tach_exhaust: (RO) Exhaust fan tachometer reading
|---tach_intake_1: (RO) Intake fan 1 tachometer reading
|---tach_intake_2: (RO) Intake fan 2 tachometer reading
|---tec_on: (RW) Enable/Disable Thermo-electric cooler
|---water_pump_on: (RW) Enable/Disable water pump
/dev/glowforge: (RW) Load/Clear program, reset positions
/sys/class/leds/button_led_X <- Big Button LED interfaces
|---pulse_off: (RW) Off time in milliseconds
|---pulse_on: (RW) On time in milliseconds
|---speed: (RW) Speed to target brightness
|---target: (RW) Brightness set-point
|---(standard LED interfaces not used)
/sys/class/leds/camera_mux_oe <- Enable output for camera mux
|---brightness: (RW) Output level
|---(standard LED interfaces not used)
/sys/class/leds/interlock_reset <- Reset interlock circuit
|---brightness: (RW) Output level
|---(standard LED interfaces not used)
/sys/class/leds/lid_led_X <- Big Button LED interfaces
|---pulse_off: (RW) Off time in milliseconds
|---pulse_on: (RW) On time in milliseconds
|---speed: (RW) Speed to target brightness
|---target: (RW) Brightness set-point
|---(standard LED interfaces not used)
SYSFS Interface Descriptions
Write, ASCII, 1
Writing “1” to this will switch the device to the “disabled” state.
Write, ASCII, 1
Writing “1” to this will switch the device to the “enabled” state.
Read, ASCII, 0-7
Indicates any faults that have been set by the stepper drivers.
Bits: 0: X Axis, 1: Y1 Axis, 2: Y2 Axis
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-7
Sets which stepper driver faults to ignore.
Bits: 0: X Axis, 1: Y1 Axis, 2: Y2 Axis
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-15
Sets axis lock. If the axis bit is set, that axis will not move when running a program.
NOTE: This does not prevent the Z axis from moving when commanded by z_step
Bits: 0: X Axis, 1: Y1 Axis, 2: Y2 Axis, 3: Z Axis
Read, Binary, 32 bytes (little-endian)
Current axis position and program size and position.
Bytes: Value
00-03: X position in steps
04-07: Y position in steps
08-11: Z position in steps
12-15: Program bytes processed
16-19: Program size in bytes
20-31: Reserved
Write, ASCII, -2147483647 - 2147483647
Negative values: Laser disabled. Accelerate backwards, run number of specified steps, then decelerate and stop.
Positive values: Accelerate forward, run number of requested steps, reenable laser, and continue program normally.
Zero: Accelerate forward, continue program without reenabling laser.
Write, ASCII, 1
Writing “1” to this will switch the device to the “run” state from “idle” and starts executing the loaded program.
Read, ASCII, (formatted)
This dumps internal registers and status of the CNC SDMA context.
Read, ASCII, CNC State
The current CNC state:
“idle”: Steppers are on but no program is in progress
“running”: A program is in progress
“disabled”: Steppers are disabled, no program in progress
“fault”: Stepper driver fault
Read/Write, ASCII, 1000-200000
Step frequency in Hz. Default is 10,000.
Write, ASCII, 1
Writing “1” to this will disable laser, decelerate the device to a stop, and switch to the “idle” state from “run”.
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1
Sets the current decay mode for the X axis.
0: Slow - fast stop, slow response
1: Fast - fast response, slow stop
Read/Write, ASCII, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
Microstepping mode for X Axis. 1 = Full steps
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1
Sets the current decay mode for the Y axis.
0: Slow - fast stop, slow response
1: Fast - fast response, slow stop
Read/Write, ASCII, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
Microstepping mode for Y Axis. 1 = Full steps
Write, ASCII, 0-1
Moves Z-Axis one step in requested direction.
0: Negative, towards bed
1: Positive, away from bed
Read, ASCII, 0-1
Indicates if the head accelerometer set its IRQ.
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1023
Air assist fan PWM period.
0: Off
1023: Full speed
For some reason, Glowforge never sets this to below 204, so the fan is never off.
Read, ASCII, 0-65535
Period between tach pulses.
Best guess RPM formula: ((1/(period/1000000))*60)/8
Read, ASCII, 0-65535
Analog output from beam detector.
How this operates still needs to be investigated.
Read, ASCII, 0-1
Digital output from beam detector.
How this operates still needs to be investigated.
Read, ASCII, 0-1
Output from lens home position sensor.
0: Not at home position
1: At home position
This changes to 1 when the lens is at or above a specific positive position. This position varies from unit to unit. To adjust for this, Glowforge sends a “hunt” program to the device that tells it how many steps towards the bed to move to reach the 0 focus level.
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1023
Measurement laser PWM. 0: Off, >0: On
Any value above 0 will turn the head measurement laser on.
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1
Turns the purge air fan on/off. 0: off, 1: on
This fan purges smoke from the lens cavity.
Read, ASCII, 0-1023
The current being drawn by the purge fan.
Meaning of the values is unknown at this point. Observed values are: 1 when off, and 628 when on.
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1023
Head UV illumination LED PWM. 0=Off, 1023=100%
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1023
Head white illumination LED PWM. 0=Off, 1023=100%
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1
Z stepper drive current. 0: high, 1: low
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1
Enable/disable Z driver. 0: enabled, 1: disabled
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1
Z Axis microstepping. 0: Full, 1: 2 (half-step)
button_led_1, button_led_2, button_led_3
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1023 (0=OFF, 1023=FULL)
Red (1), Green (2), and Blue (3) LEDs in the big button.
These are not intended to be set directly. Instead, they should be set using the /sys/class/leds/button_led_X
interface. See description below.
Read/Write, Binary, Varies
Used to read/write data in groups.
From pic.h
“Register groups. These allow reading or updating multiple registers at once. Input/output is a sequence of 16-bit binary little-endian values. When writing to a register group file, the number of bytes written must exactly match the number of registers in the group times 2. (because each register is 2 bytes in size.)”
Read/Write, ASCII, Varies
For reading and writing multiple registers.
From pic.h
“To write a set of registers:
echo 18=0123,19=4567,1a=89ab,1b=cdef > /sys/glowforge/pic/hex
The string must be a comma-separated list of register=value pairs.
To read a set of registers:
echo 18,19,1a,1b > /sys/glowforge/pic/hex && cat /sys/glowforge/pic/hex
The string must be a comma-separated list of register numbers.
Reading from this file returns the register values transmitted by the PIC during the previous write transaction. The string is a comma-separated list of register values, each exactly 4 hex characters long.”
Read, ASCII, 0-1023
HV current.
The exact meaning of this value is yet to be determined.
Read, ASCII, 0-1023
HV voltage.
Note: To date, every power supply that has been examined ties the input to this A/D to ground.
Read, ASCII, 19795
Firmware ID of PIC Analog/Digital IO.
Read, ASCII, 0-1023
Output of IR sensors on lid.
Presumably, these can be used to detect fires within the unit.
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1023 (0=OFF, 1023=FULL)
Lid LEDs.
This is not intended to be set directly. Instead, it should be set using the /sys/class/leds/lid_led
interface. See description below.
Read, ASCII, 0-1023
Power Supply temperature.
Best guess formula for degrees C: (value * 0.08715) - 21
Read/Write, Binary, Varies
For reading/writing binary values to PIC.
From pic.h
“Write to this file to send a chunk of raw binary data to the PIC. The number of bytes written must be a multiple of 3.
Read from this file to obtain the binary data transmitted by the PIC during the previous write transaction.”
Read, ASCII, 0-1023
Thermal Electric Cooler temperature.
Formula for conversion to temperature is yet to be determined.
Read, ASCII, 0-1023
Water temperature, downstream of heater.
Best guess formula for degrees C: (value * -0.09653) + 94
Read, ASCII, 0-1023
Water temperature, upstream of heater.
Best guess formula for degrees C: (value * -0.09653) + 94
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-127
X stepper drive current. 0=Min, 127=Max
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-31
Y stepper drive current. 0=Min, 31=Max
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-65535
Exhaust fan PWM period. 0: Off, 65535: Full speed
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-65535
Water heater PWM period. 0: Off, 65535: Full power
This heats the water between the water temp sensors to allow for flow detection.
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-65535
Intake fans PWM period. 0: Off, 65535: Full power
This controls the output for both intake fans.
Read, ASCII, 0-65535
Period between exhaust fan tach pulses.
Best guess RPM formula: ((1/(period/1000000000))*60)/2
Read, ASCII, 0-65535
Period between intake fan 1 tach pulses.
Best guess RPM formula: ((1/(period/1000000000))*60)/2
Read, ASCII, 0-65535
Period between intake fan 2 tach pulses.
Best guess RPM formula: ((1/(period/1000000000))*60)/2
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1
Turns on/off the thermal electric cooler. 0: off, 1: on
Read/Write, ASCII, 0-1
Turns on/off the water pump. 0: off, 1: on
Write/Seek/Lock, Binary, 128MB max
Interface to the program buffer. Programs are one byte per step period or laser power setting. Programs are written directly to buffer.
Seeking to 0 will clear program data, byte counters, and position counters.
Seeking to 1 will clear program data and byte counters.
Seeking to 2 will clear position counters.
Locking the file will set the “deadman switch”. If the file is closed while the deadman switch is active, the device will perform and emergency stop.
/sys/class/leds/button_led_X, /sys/class/leds/lid_led_X
Interface to control button LEDs.
From ledtrig_smooth
"target: (range: [0, 255]) The new brightness set-point. The LED fades from its current value to the target value. May be changed while the LED is already fading.
speed: (range: [0, 160]) The speed at which the LED seeks its target brightness. The default is 64.
pulse_on: (milliseconds)
pulse_off: (milliseconds)
When both values are > 0, the LED’s target will alternate between minimum and maximum brightness automatically.
The delay between target=255 and target=0 is specified by pulse_on.
The delay between target=0 and target=255 is specified by pulse_off.
Both values are internally truncated to multiples of MSECS_PER_UPDATE.
This controls the output on the camera multiplexer. The brightness
value should be set to 255. Setting a value of 0 will shut the output off. There is no reason to ever shut the output off.
This resets the interlock safe circuit. Setting brightness
to 255 resets the circuit. This should be set to 0 for normal operation.